The development and construct validation of the Leistungsmotivationsinventa
r [Achievement Motivation Inventory] (LMI; Schuler & Prochaska. 2000) is de
scribed. The instrument is based on a broad comprehension of achievement mo
tivation, this construct being seen as a global behavioral orientation. The
instrument with its 17 scales allows the differentiated description of ach
ievement motivation. With N = 1985 persons, additional characteristics and
external criteria were collected. In comparison with the Big Five personali
ty factors, highest correlations resulted as expected to neuroticism and co
nscientiousness. Further construct relations were found to school-. study-,
and job-related criteria, also to the adoption of functions such as leader
ship tasks. From an application within an assessment center context, only m
oderate correlations with interactive tasks and none with cognitive tasks w
ere found. Remarkable relations resulted in vocational interests. The resul
ts allow to expect that the LMI can be a useful instrument in personality r
esearch as well as in personnel selection with the prospect of incremental