PURPOSE: The hypothesis is that the impact of a temporary stoma on a patien
t's daily life is determined by complications and related stoma care proble
ms. METHOD: A prospective clinical trial was performed, studying complicati
ons and social well-being of 37 patients with loop ileostomy and 39 patient
s with a loop colostomy (randomly assigned comparison). Patients were categ
orized according to degree of social restriction. The association between t
he degree of social restriction and the presence of stoma care problems and
complications was assessed. Follow-up was scheduled every three months unt
il the stoma was closed (94 percent). RESULTS: There is no relation between
stoma type (ileostomy or colostomy) and degree of social restriction (chi-
squared test, P = 0.42). The more stoma care problems or complications seen
, the higher the degree of social restriction: significantly more stoma car
e problems were seen in the completely isolated group of patients when comp
ared with the patients who were less socially restricted (Spearman correlat
ion coefficient 1 = 0.35, P = 0.003). Especially stoma leakage, peristomal
sl;in irritation. dietary prescriptions, retraction, and prolapse of the st
oma have significant impact on the patient's daily life. CONCLUSION: Stoma
surgery has a great influence on a patient's daily life. There is a clear r
elation between the number of stoma care problems and the degree of social
restriction. Follow-up of stoma patients under close surveillance of stoma
care nurse to minimize stoma care problems and a careful surgical technique
are advocated for good stoma care.