International criminal courts will be judged by their fairness to defendant
s as well as to victims. In a very practical way, such claims will hinge, i
nter alia, on the ability of prosecutors and defendants to have reasonable
access to probative evidence. But international criminal courts depend on s
tates to provide them with evidence or access to evidence. The obligation o
f states to cooperate with international criminal tribunals in the producti
on of evidence was at issue in the recent decision of the International Cri
minal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Blaskic case (1997). That j
udgment and the provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Crimina
l Court (1998) that address judicial assistance deserve investigation. Do t
he rules propounded in Blaskic and in the Rome Statute create the right con
ditions for the institution of fair trials in international criminal courts
in our world today? Are such rules possible? The author argues that the di
plomats in Rome failed to establish a procedure for the production of evide
nce that will lead to the goal of a fair and effective trial. This is cause
for concern if and when an International Criminal Court comes into being.