The management of a free-floating thrombus in the femoropopliteal or ilioca
val veins is controversial. Such patients may have an increased risk of pul
monary embolism. The differential diagnosis of intraluminal venous malignan
cy or septic thrombosis must also be considered, especially in immunocompro
mised patients. This report reviews the management of a 56-year-old woman w
ith bronchopulmonary aspergillosis who was found to have a free-floating th
rombus in the femoral vein. Appropriate preoperative evaluation, emphasizin
g non-invasive studies and duplex exam, are discussed. In addition, the dif
ferential diagnosis, surgical options and perioperative care are considered
. This patients represents a complex case of venous thrombosis in an immuno
compromised patient and, therefore, the optimal care to minimize complicati
ons, such as pulmonary embolism, and prevent recurrence or post-thrombotic
changes, is necessary.