A 25-year-old Japanese woman presented with contracture of the fingers and
toes, and difficulty in opening her mouth. Her grandparents are first cousi
ns, but none of the other members of the family are affected. Bulla formati
on started at birth on areas of the skin that received pressure, and in inf
ancy and early childhood the lesions were limited only to the acral areas.
She also had bilateral, incomplete syndactylies involving all web spaces (F
ig. 1a). The formation of blisters ceased after the age of 15 years, but a
generalized progressive poikiloderma then appeared with accompanying cutane
ous atrophy of the skin of the neck, trunk, and extremities (Fig. 1b). The
patient experienced mild photosensitivity of the face and neck. At age 18 y
ears, surgical removal of the webbing of all her fingers was performed. Ora
l examination showed atrophy of the buccal mucosa, and an inability to full
y open the mouth. The patient also suffered from poor dentition and easily
bleeding gums, but had no symptoms of esophageal dysfunction.
Histology of separate biopsy specimens, taken from the poikilodermatous pre
tibial and trunk skin, showed classical features of poikiloderma, namely ep
idermal atrophy with flattening of the rete ridges. vacuolization of basal
keratinocytes, pigmentary incontinence, and mild dermal perivascularization
(Fig. 2a). Interestingly, dyskeratotic cells (Fig. 2b) and eosinophilic ro
unded bodies (colloid bodies) (Fig. 2c) were frequently found at the basal
keratinocyte layer and in the upper dermis, respectively. Pigment was also
present in the upper epidermis.
To rule out the possibility of a congenital epidermolysis bullosa, ultrastr
uctural and immunofluorescence studies were performed. Ultrastructural stud
ies demonstrated the reduplication of the basal lamina with branching struc
tures within the upper dermis and cleavage between the lamina densa and the
cell membrane of the keratinocytes (Fig.3a). The numbers of associated anc
horing fibrils did not seem to be reduced, and colloid bodies and dyskerato
tic cells were detected. Immunofluorescence studies with the antibody again
st type VII collagen (LH 7:2) were subsequently carried out. The results sh
owed extensive broad bands with intermittently discontinuous and reticular
staining at the dermo-epidermal junction (DEJ) (Fig. 3b), whereas a linear
distribution is typically seen in healthy tissue (data not shown). Interest
ingly, direct immunofluorescence studies revealed intracellular accumulatio
n of immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, IgA, and C3 in colloid bodies under the b
asement membrane (Fig. 3c).