War and the preparation for war divert increasingly scarce resources from c
ivilian use, especially long-term efforts such as the quest for sustainable
use of the planet. War also damages natural systems both directly and indi
rectly. As a consequence, ecosystem services essential to sustainability ar
e diminished. Achieving world peace does not assure that sustainable use of
the planet will also be achieved, but. it is a necessary precursor. Other
factors diminishing the prospects for sustainability include major and rapi
d demographic changes, addiction to exponential economic growth, excessive
individualism, and production of artifacts and wastes not readily reincorpo
rated into natural systems. On the other hand, if intelligence is not an ev
olutionary mistake, then it, combined with reason and creativity, can be us
ed to overcome the obstacles just mentioned. If intelligence is an evolutio
nary mistake, the creatures that ran the world before humans appeared will
doubtless take over again.