In the study of the involved geometry of singular distributions, the u
se of fractal and multifractal analysis has shown results of outstandi
ng significance. So far, the investigation has focussed on structures
produced by one single mechanism which were analyzed with respect to t
he ordinary metric or volume. Most prominent examples include self-sim
ilar measures and attractors of dynamical systems. In certain cases, t
he multifractal spectrum is known explicitly, providing a characteriza
tion in terms of the geometrical properties of the singularities of a
distribution. Unfortunately, strikingly different measures may possess
identical spectra. To overcome this drawback we propose two novel met
hods, the conditional and the relative multifractal spectrum, which al
low for a direct comparison of two distributions. These notions measur
e the extent to which the singularities of two distributions 'correlat
e'. Being based on multifractal concepts, however, they go beyond calc
ulating correlations. As a particularly useful tool, we develop the mu
ltifractal formalism and establish some basic properties of the new no
tions. With the simple example of Binomial multifractals, we demonstra
te how in the novel approach a distribution mimics a metric different
from the usual one. Finally, the applications to real data show how to
interpret the spectra in terms of mutual influence of dense and spars
e parts of the distributions.