Although studies have been conducted in the past to duplicate traumatic fra
ctures of the os calcis, biomechanical force data as a function of extra- a
nd intra-articular fractures are not available. Consequently, in this study
, a dynamic single impact model was used to provide such information. Using
intact human cadaver lower extremities, impact loading was applied to the
plantar surface of the foot using a mini-sled pendulum equipment. The proxi
mal tibia was fixed in polymethylmethacrylate. Following impact, pathology
to the os calcis was classified into intact (no injury; 14 cases), and extr
a-articular (6 cases) and intra-articular (6 cases) fractures. Peak dynamic
forces were used to conduct statistical analysis, Mean forces for the inta
ct and (both) fracture groups were 4144 N (standard error, SE: 689) and 780
2 N (SE: 597). Mean forces for the extra- and intra-articular fracture grou
ps were 7445 N (SE: 711) and 8159 N (SE: 1006). The peak force influenced i
njury outcome (ANOVA, p < 0.005). Differences in the forces were found betw
een intact and injured specimens (p < 0.01); intact specimens and specimens
with extra-articular pathology (p < 0.001); intact specimens and specimens
with intra-articular pathology (p < 0.005). The present experimental proto
col, which successfully reproduced clinically relevant os calcis pathology,
can be extended to accommodate other variables such as the simulation of A
chilles tendon force, the inclusion of other angles of Force application, a
cid the application of the impact force to limited regions of the plantar f
orce of the fool in order to study other injury mechanisms. Published by El
sevier Science Ltd.