R. Luthra et Lj. Medeiros, 5 '-> 3 ' exonuclease-based real-time PCR methods for detecting the t(14;18) and t(11;14) in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, J CLIN LIG, 23(1), 2000, pp. 6-14
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays traditionally require-a number of po
st-PCR steps to detect the amplified reaction products. These post-PCR step
s include gel electrophoresis and staining with dyes, such as ethidium brom
ide, that bind to double stranded DNA. When high levels of sensitivity and
specificity are required, additional steps may be done including Southern b
lot transfer of products to a membrane and hybridization with specific prob
es tagged with signaling systems (e.g., radioactive phosphorus or chemilumi
nescent compounds). Real-time PCR assays obviate the need for relatively la
bor intensive post-PCR steps, improving turnaround time and reducing the ri
sk of contamination. Many different approaches to realtime BCR have been de
veloped. In this review, we describe our experience using 5'-->3' exonuclea
se-based real-time PCR assays to assess for the t(14;18)(q32;q21) and t(11;
14)(q13;q32) in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. We combined these real-time assays
with the PRISM(TM) 7700 Sequence Detector (PE Applied Biosystems), which h
as both a laser-based detection system and computer software for data analy
sis. In our laboratory, these assays are as specific as conventional PCR me
thods and more convenient. This approach also facilitates more accurate qua
ntification of the reaction products.