The 'living fossil' Nautilus pompilius is thought to use olfaction as its p
rimary sensory system during foraging, yet neither the organs responsible f
or olfaction nor the mechanisms or behaviors associated with odor tracking
have been subjected to experimentation. Flume testing under dark conditions
revealed that Nautilus could consistently detect and follow turbulent odor
plumes to the source over distances up to 10 m, exhibiting two types of or
ientation behavior while sampling in three dimensions. The paired rhinophor
es were necessary for orientation behavior: when they were temporarily bloc
ked either uni- or bilaterally, Nautilus detected odor but could not track
the plume and locate the source, Animals that were tested post-blockage wer
e able to track and locate the source. The role of the 90 thin tentacles re
mains enigmatic; they seemed to be able to detect odor, but they were not c
apable of guiding orientation behavior towards a distant odor source. Bilat
eral chemical sensing by rhinophores in three dimensions may have been the
Umwelt of ammonites and belemnites before the evolution of complex eyes and
fast locomotion in modern coleoids.