We recently described the cDNA sequence for a unique collagenous protein, p
reCol-P, in the byssal threads of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis. The tra
nslated amino acid sequence encodes an unprecedented block-copolymer-like s
equence with a central collagenous domain flanked by elastin-like sequences
. Were, we report on the presence of two additional variants of preCol-P. T
he distribution of these variants in M. edulis foot tissue was examined by
reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in
situ hybridization techniques. One of the variants, P33, exhibits a graded
distribution with decreasing concentrations along the longitudinal axis of
the foot, The second variant, P22, is expressed only at the base of the mu
ssel's foot. In situ hybridization confirms the exclusive expression of pre
Col-P variant P22 in the stem gland. We propose that this variant may repre
sent a molecular 'dovetail' between the proximal thread and the byssal stem
, imparting extensibility and elastic recoil to the ring portion of the ste