We present a synthesis of diet information for all 78 species of extant Afr
ican Bovidae (excluding goats and sheep), based on an extensive survey of t
he literature. We compiled data on food types (percentages of fruits, dicot
elydons, and monocotyledons), seasonal and geographic variability, and body
mass. Information reported in the literature was evaluated critically to a
ssess its reliability. We performed cluster analyses to identify 6 discrete
dietary strategies: frugivores, browsers, generalists, browser-grazer inte
rmediates, variable grazers, and obligate grazers. We identified a positive
correlation between an increase in the proportion of monocots in the diet
and body mass, and a negative correlation between increases in proportions
of dicots and fruits and body mass. We found some degree of correspondence
between taxonomic groupings and dietary strategies. Species in the tribes A
lcelaphini, Hippotragini, and Reduncini have high proportions of monocots i
n their diets. Cephalophini, with the exception of Sylvicapra, are frugivor
es. Tragelaphini and Neotragini, with the exception of Ourebia, have diets
that include high proportions of dicots.