Neutron and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and inelastic neutron scat
tering (INS) studies of Na2RbC60 in both its polymeric and monomeric phases
have been performed as a function of temperature, with particular attentio
n paid to the cooling protocol. The powder diffraction measurements on cool
ing confirm the slow transformation of the primitive cubic high temperature
phase to the monoclinic low temperature phase in the vicinity of 250 K. Ri
etveld refinements of both the X-ray and neutron data show that over half o
f the sample transforms to the polymer in the temperature range 180-200 K,
this fraction rising to 64(2)% at base temperature. On heating, the percent
age of the monomer phase increased from 230 K at the expense of the polymer
, with a full transformation occurring by 277 K. A final phase transition t
o the disordered fcc structure occurs over a range of temperatures from 299
to 317 K. Study of the time evolution of the monomer --> polymer transform
ation at 180 and 200 K allowed us to extract an estimate of the activation
barrier to interball C-C bond formation as 0.16(2) eV, comparable to the ma
gnitude of the reorientational potential in the precursor monomer phase. IN
S spectra in the temperature range 100 to 320 K confirm the reduction of sy
mmetry from the primitive cubic phase through splittings of the intramolecu
lar vibrational modes. The polymeric nature of interfullerene bonding in Na
2RbC60 is also confirmed via direct observation of excess scattered intensi
ty in the 8-25 meV region of the generalised phonon density-of-states (GDOS