Purpose: To evaluate the effect of extracapsular cataract extraction with p
osterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in patients with senso
ry deviations subsequent to senile cataract.
Methods: Twenty patients with dense cataract and associated sensory deviati
ons underwent followup between April 1996 and April 1998 after extracapsula
r cataract extraction with posterior chamber IOL implantation in the deviat
ing eye. All patients underwent follow-up for a minimum period of 6 months.
Results: Preoperatively, all patients had a visual acuity of PL positive (p
erception of light present) and PR (projection of rays) accurate in the dev
iating eye. Two patients had an esodeviation, and 18 patients had an exodev
iation. Postoperatively, all patients had a corrected visual acuity of 20/4
0 or better in the operated eye at 12 weeks. Nineteen patients had ocular a
lignment within +/-8 prism diopters of orthophoria at 12 weeks.
Conclusion: Sensory deviations subsequent to senile cataract usually resolv
e spontaneously after cataract surgery if visual gains are 20/40 or better.
The prognosis for binocular vision is good.