The effects of one-dimensional processes on the formation of deep mixed lay
ers in the central mode water (CMW) and eastern subtropical mode water (ESM
W) formation regions of the North Pacific have been analyzed using a mixed
layer model. By running the model with various combinations of initial (Aug
ust) background stratification and forcing fields (heat flux, E - P, and wi
nd stress), and comparing the resultant March mixed layer depths, the relat
ive importance of these effects on creating deep mixed layers was diagnosed
. Model results suggest that the contributions of evaporation minus precipi
tation and wind mixing to mixed layer depth in both the CMW and the ESMW fo
rmation regions are negligible.
In the ESMW formation region (centered at approximately 30 degrees N, 140 d
egrees W), the initial stratification is very important in determining wher
e deep mixed layers form. Summer heating is quite weak in this region, resu
lting in a weak (or even nonexistent) seasonal pycnocline at the end of the
summer at about 30 degrees N. It is this lack of shallow seasonal stratifi
cation that allows a local maximum of winter mixed layer depth even though
the wintertime cooling is much weaker than other regions of locally deep mi
xed layers.
In the CMW formation region (approximately 40 degrees N between 170 degrees
E and 160 degrees W), in contrast to the ESMW formation region, wintertime
cooling is strong enough to erode through the shallow seasonal pycnocline.
In the region of deepest mixed layers in the CMW region, the deeper strati
fication (150-400 m) is quite weak. Once the seasonal pycnocline has been e
roded away, the lack of deeper stratification becomes important in allowing
the mixing to penetrate further.