We discuss the theory of quenching of Rydberg slates by atoms with small el
ectron affinities and perform calculations for quenching of s and d states
of Ne by Ca. There are two contributions to the quenching cross section: th
e ion-covalent coupling contribution, which is due to the formation of an i
ntermediate ionic state, and the impulse contribution. The first is very se
nsitive to the electron affinity of the projectile and may be used for stud
ies of weakly bound anions. The ion-covalent coupling contribution is domin
ant for the process of quenching of Rydberg states with large quanturn defe
cts (e.g. s states) at relatively low principal quantum number n, whereas t
he impulse contribution dominates the process of quenching of states with s
mall quantum defects (e.g. d states of Ne). We present calculations of quen
ching of s stares by Yb atoms with a hypothetical electron affinity of 2 tn
eV and show that experimental studies of quenching of Rydberg states by Yb
might help in determining the electron affinity of Yb even if it is negativ
e. In the latter case the quenching cross section as a function of n should
exhibit oscillations (Borodin V M and Kazansky A K 1992 J. Phys. B: At. mo
l. Opt. Phys. 25 971).