There is sufficient evidence that ileal rather than fecal amino acid digest
ibility values provide a more reliable estimate of protein digestion and am
ino acid absorption. In addition to differences in ileal amino acid digesti
bility values between feedstuffs there are large differences in ileal amino
acid digestibility values within the same feedstuff. Furthermore, in addit
ion to different processing conditions and inherent differences among sampl
es of the same feedstuff, a large proportion of this variation can be attri
buted to different methodological approaches. In order to reduce the within
variation associated with different methods for determination, methods spe
cifically suitable for different feedstuffs are recommended. Differences in
dietary amino acid levels are likely to be the largest single contributor
to the variation in ileal amino acid digestibility values. Therefore, it is
suggested to determine their plateau values, also referred to as dietary t
hreshold levels, after which apparent digestibility values become independe
nt of the dietary amino acid levels. The correction for non-specific endoge
nous protein and amino acid recoveries in ileal digesta allow for the trans
formation of apparent digestibility to standardised ileal digestibility val
ues. The non-specific recoveries are related to the dry matter intake but i
ndependent of the type of feedstuff. In principle, standardised digestibili
ty values should be the preferred approach in protein evaluation because th
ese values reflect a fundamental property of the feedstuffs being independe
nt of experimental conditions. However, estimates of endogenous recoveries
are still confounded by the method used for determination, and further rese
arch is warranted in this area. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights r