Various types of epoxide-amine networks based on diglycidyl ether of Bisphe
nol A (DGEBA), diglycidylaniline (DGA), or TGDDM were prepared, and the eff
ect of the reaction mechanism on network formation, its structure, and prop
erties was investigated. Structure evolution was followed, and fraction of
the sol, equilibrium rubbery modulus, and glass transition temperature of n
onstoichiometric networks were determined as a function of composition. Sho
rt-range cyclization was proved to be the main factor governing formation a
nd structure of DGA-based networks, resulting in a nonnegligible sol fracti
on of the stoichiometric system. In contrast, the substitution effect in am
ine determines the structure evolution in the DGEBA-diamine networks. A the
oretical model for formation of DGA-amine networks was developed, taking in
to account the full complexity of the reaction mechanism: cyclization, inte
rdependent reactivity of epoxy and amine groups, homopolymerization by ethe
rification, and ionic polymerization as well as formation of reactive inter
mediates. A reasonable agreement with experimental data in both amine and e
poxide excess was obtained.