A nitrogen dioxide point sensor, based on a novel nondispersive gas filter
spectroscopic scheme, is described. The detection scheme relies on the fact
that the absorotion spectrum of nitrogen dioxide in the 400-550 nm region
consists of a complicated Line structure superimposed on an average broadba
nd absorption. A compensating filter is used to remove the effect of the br
oadband absorption, making the sensor insensitive both to small particles i
n the optical path and to potentially interfering gases with broadband abso
rption features in the relevant wavelength region. Measurements are obtaine
d using a remote optical absorption cell that is linked via multimode fibre
: optics to the source and detection optics. The incorporation of blue ligh
t emitting diodes which spectrally match the nitrogen dioxide absorption al
lows the employment of electronic (instead of mechanical) switching between
optical paths. A sensitivity of better than 1.0 ppm m column density (1 s
integration time) has been observed: improvements in electronics and therma
l stabilization should increase this sensitivity.