Centromeric FISH was used to investigate the segregation of ses chromosomes
in human lymphocytes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of
cell culture, cytokinesis block, age and ses on segregation and to compare
the behaviour of the X and Y chromosomes. In uncultured T lymphocytes of fi
ve elderly women, the mean frequencies of nuclei hyperdiploid and hypodiplo
id for the X chromosome were not significantly affected by culturing the ce
lls or hy cytokinesis block. In cultured binucleate lymphocytes of two age
groups of men, the X chromosome showed significantly higher mean frequencie
s of hyperdiploidy, hypodiploidy and reciprocal gain and loss than the Y ch
romosome. Reciprocal gain and loss of the Y chromosome was statistically si
gnificantly higher in the older than the younger men. In four women, studie
d in the same series, the rates of Y chromosome aneuploidy did not signific
antly differ from those obtained in men. In conclusion, malsegregation of t
he Y chromosome is common in lymphocytes of both men and women and more fre
quent than Y chromosome malsegregation. However, there is no clear ses diff
erence for X chromosome reciprocal gain and loss. This would suggest that t
he high loss of the X chromosome in women, documented in metaphase studies,
is due to micronucleation.