In South Korea, a pythiaceous fungus was consistently isolated from the dis
eased tissues of field corn plants (Zea mays) showing severe rot of the roo
ts and basal stalks. Based on the morphology, it was described as Pythioget
on zeae sp, nov., and a taxonomic kev was constructed to differentiate it f
rom the other known species of Pythiogeton. It is characterized by small to
extremely large, ovoid, cylindrical, bursiform, ventricose, bilobulate, tr
ilobulate to irregular saccate sporangia, large globose to ellipsoidal oogo
nium, plerotic oospore with thick wall and mostly single, diclinous or mono
clinous antheridium. Its pathogenicity to corn plants was confirmed by arti
ficial inoculation and successful re-isolation. This is the first documente
d report of a plant-pathogenic species of Pythiogeton, a genus known to be
saprophytic usually on plant debris in freshwater.