Vestibular information modulates hippocampal activity for spatial processin
g and place cell firing. However, evidence of a purely vestibular stimulus
modulating hippocampal activity is confounded as most studies use stimuli c
ontaining somatasensory and visual components. In the present study, high-f
requency electrical stimulation of specific vestibular sensory regions of t
he right labyrinth in anaesthetized guinea pigs induced an evoked field pot
ential in the hippocampal formation bilaterally with a latency of about 40
ms following stimulation onset. Field potentials localized in the hippocamp
al formation occurred with stimulus current parameters that were too small
to produce eye movements. This provides direct electrophysiological evidenc
e of vestibular input to the hippocampus. NeuroReport 11:1443-1447 (C) 2000
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.