Background: Pulmonary embolism in children is an overlooked pathology. Yet
the first description dates back to the end of the 19(th) century and this
specific pathology is not seldom observed. The main risk factors are trauma
, surgery, and foreign bodies.
Diagnosis: Thrombophilia can be diagnosed when a thromboembolic event occur
s. The initial thrombosis may be found anywhere in the venous network. Veno
us sonography usually gives the diagnosis. Pulmonary embolism usually has a
poor clinical expression. An unexplained situation can be the first manife
station. Echocardiography guides diagnosis confirmed by ventilation-perfusi
on scintigraphy.
Treatment: Prophylaxy is achieved with small doses of heparin. Treatment is
based on the use of hypocoagulant doses of heparin, potentially after syst
emic thrombolysis and followed by oral anticoagulation.