Background and Objectives: The use of epidural stimulation to confirm epidu
ral catheter placement has been shown. This case report describes the benef
its and problems of using the epidural stimulation test to confirm epidural
catheter placement and provides supporting evidence for these observations
using radiological imaging.
Case Report: Methods: A nerve stimulator was connected to the proximal end
of an epidural catheter ter via an adapter. The cathode lead was connected
to the adapter. The anode lead was connected to an electrode placed on the
upper extremity as a grounding site. Using 1 to 10 mA current, a segmental
motor response indicated that the catheter was in the epidural space. The a
bsence of a motor response indicated that it was not.
Cases: In the first patient, the new test predicted subcutaneous epidural c
atheter placement, which was subsequently confirmed radiologically. In the
second patient, the catheter rip was found to be lying near a nerve root, w
hich was again confirmed radiologically. In the third case, a negative lest
was initially observed with only local muscle movement over the biceps are
a (T-2) After relocation of the grounding electrode to the lower extremity,
segmental intercostal muscle movement (T4-5 level) was observed. The cathe
ter placement was radiologically shown to be in the T4-5 region.
Conclusion: This report illustrates some of the potential benefits and prob
lems of using the nerve stimulation rest to confirm epidural catheter place
ment, with radiological verification.