Air screen cleaners (ASC) are not efficient in separating complete seed uni
ts from incomplete seed units of eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum dactyloides (
L.) L.]. A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of utilizing tw
o seed cleaning apparatus, an air fractionating aspirator (AFA) and a gravi
ty separator (GS), to improve seed quality of eastern gamagrass that was in
itially cleaned with an ASC. Three lots of eastern gamagrass seed harvested
in 1992, 1993 and 1995 were separated into four fractions by an AFA and a
GS separated one lot into two fractions. Fraction one from the GS and fract
ions one and two from the AFA increased per cent seed fill and percent germ
ination as compared to the other fractions and control. Fractions three and
four from the AFA and fraction two from the GS were found to have low germ
ination potential. Both the AFA and GS were effective in improving seed qua
lity of eastern gamagrass lots used in this study.