Embarking on a new millennium provides the stimulus both to take stock and
also to look forward. In the field of medical statistics there is much to m
ake us feel proud and excited. Rapid methodological developments together w
ith parallel developments in computer technology have enormously expanded o
ur statistical repertoire. At the same time, the high profile attained by t
he evidence-based medicine movement means that the importance of our discip
line is recognized more widely then ever before. However, any medical stati
stician who is involved in medical publishing, or who is even a regular rea
der of the medical literature, must be aware of the yawning chasm between w
hat is recognized as good statistical practice and what is actually publish
ed. Poor study design, inappropriate analysis and selective reporting are c
ommonplace. In my opinion the most important challenge currently facing our
profession is the task of bridging this chasm.