As 1 of 6 focused ACE-2 activities, a clear sky column closure experiment (
CLEARCOLUMN) took place in June/July 1997 at the southwest corner of Portug
al, in the Canary Islands, and over the eastern Atlantic Ocean surrounding
and linking those sites. Overdetermined sets of volumetric, vertical profil
e and columnar aerosol data were taken From the sea surface to similar to 5
km asl by samplers and sensors at land sites (20-3570 m asl), on a ship, a
nd on 4 aircraft. In addition, 5 satellites measured upwelling radiances us
ed to derive properties of the aerosol column. Measurements were made in a
wide range of conditions and locations (e.g., the marine boundary layer wit
h and without continental pollution, the free troposphere with and without
African dust). Numerous tests of local and column closure, using unidiscipl
inary and multidisciplinary approaches, were conducted. This paper summariz
es the methodological approach, the experiment sites and platforms, the typ
es of measurements made on each, the types of analyses conducted, and selec
ted key results, as a guide to the more complete results presented in other
papers in this special issue and elsewhere. Example results include determ
inations of aerosol single scattering albedo by several techniques, measure
ments of hygroscopic effects on particle light scattering and size, and a w
ide range in the degree of agreement found in closure tests. In general, th
e smallest discrepancies were found in comparisons among (1) different tech
niques to measure an optical property of the ambient, unperturbed aerosol (
e.g., optical depth, extinction, or backscatter by sunphotometer, lidar, an
d/or satellite) or (2) different techniques to measure an aerosol that had
passed through a common sampling process (e.g., nephelometer and size spect
rometer measurements with the same or similar inlets, humidities and temper
atures). Typically, larger discrepancies were Found between techniques that
measure the ambient, unperturbed aerosol and those that must reconstruct t
he ambient aerosol by accounting for (a) processes that occur during sampli
ng (e.g., aerodynamic selection, evaporation of water and other volatile ma
terial) or (b) calibrations that depend on aerosol characteristics (e.g., s
ize-dependent density or refractive index). A primary reason for the discre
pancies in such cases is the lack of validated hygroscopic growth models co
vering the necessary range of particle sizes and compositions. Other common
reasons include (1) using analysis or retrieval techniques that assume aer
osol properties (e.g., density, single scattering albedo, shape) that do no
t apply in all cases and (2) using surface measurements to estimate column
properties. Taken together, the ACE-2 CLEARCOLUMN data set provides a large
collection of new information on the properties of the aerosol over the no
rtheast Atlantic Ocean. CLEARCOLUMN studies have also pointed to improved t
echniques For analyzing current and future data sets (including satellite d
ata sets) which will provide a more accurate and comprehensive description
of the Atlantic-European-African aerosol. Thus they set the stage for an im
proved regional quantification of radiative forcing by anthropogenic aeroso