The pathogenesis of venous leg ulcers is multifactorial, In this review art
icle new physiological, molecular and cellular abnormalities in venous ulce
rs related to the chronic inflammation are presented and discussed. Venous
hypertension causes disturbed microcirculation and pathological changes of
the capillaries, which eventually locks the condition in a self-amplifying,
detrimental cascade with persistent elevated levels and activities of pro-
inflammatory cytokines and proteases preventing progress into a healing pha
se, As a consequence fibroblasts senesce and become less responsive to grow
th factors the older the ulcers become, Current data imply there is no defi
ciency but rather an unfavorable distribution of growth factors in venous u
lcers, An imbalance in proteolytic enzymes and their endogenous inhibitors
is a common finding in chronic venous leg ulcers, Variation in disease seve
rity and concomitant ailments in this heterogeneous patient group may expla
in the contradictory results in the literature. Thus, to advance the areas
of research further, longitudinal studies involving larger number of patien
ts are required to identify the major pathogenic factors.