The incidence of basal cell carcinoma is increasing. New aspects of diagnos
is and treatment are discussed in this thesis.
Interferon can be used for the treatment of BCC. In paper I, 15 patients re
ceived 13.5 x 10(6) IU of alfa-2b-interferon intralesionally. Four patients
healed completely whereas a 75% reduction was seen in 5 cases, Intralesion
al alfa-2b-interferon can reduce the number of excisions during Mobs Microg
raphic Surgery.
Topical photodynamic therapy involves the application of ALA on the skin. I
n tumour cells selectively, formation of the photosensitizer Pp IX occurs.
After 4 hours of occlusion of ALA the area is irradiated with light at a wa
velength of 630 nm, Tumour cells are selectively destroyed during this proc
edure. 144/157 SBCC healed in this series and 14/18 Mb Bowen (paper II). Th
e method is only suited for thin BCCs as the result on thicker lesions is p
oor (2/10 healed). The cosmetic result,vas generally good or excellent,
Another way of utilising the tumour selectivity of Pp IX is for diagnostic
purposes, Instead of illuminating with 630 nn, 365, 366 and 405 mm are used
to induce a specific fluorescence. In the present paper (III), 50% of faci
al BCCs with ill-defined borders could be completely visualised and another
23% partly outlined. The technique did not seem to work in 27% of the case
The critical factor using ALA is probably the relatively poor penetrance th
rough the skin. In paper IV, microdialysis is used for pharmacokinetic stud
ies of ALA for the first time. The concentration of ALA increases rapidly i
n lesional skin whereas there is virtually no penetration in healthy skin,
Also, the blood perfusion in BCCs was investigated by means of laser Dopple
r Perfusion Imager. The perfusion in skin overlying a BCC was 2.5 fold high
er compared to normal skin.
For BCCs with ill-defined borders Mohs Micrographic Surgery is generally re
commended. Regarding Mobs Micrographic Surgery, Sweden is underserved as on
ly 1% of BCCs are treated with Mobs Micrographic Surgery as opposed to 30%
in the US. Consequently, the Swedish cases are probably more severe. The lo
ng-term results are reported in paper V. Two hundred and twenty-eight tumou
rs were followed for at least 5 years. The rate of recurrence was 8%. This
figure is slightly higher than in international materials but surprisingly
low considering the type of tumours.