Objective: to investigate dependency and general hearth status of a cohort
of older people admitted to residential or nursing homes for long-term care
Method: we assessed 308 people aged over 65 years within 2 weeks of admissi
on for long-term care to one of 30 nursing or residential homes in north-we
st England. Dependency was assessed using the Barthel activities of daily L
iving index and the Crichton Royal Behaviour Rating Scale. We collected inf
ormation from the homes' records on diagnosed conditions and current medica
Results: 50% of the cohort were in a 'low dependency' band (Barthel score 1
3 - 20): 31% of those in nursing homes and 71% of those in residential home
s. In nursing homes, low-dependency residents were more likely to be self-f
unding than those with higher dependency. Of a number of broad diagnostic g
roupings, only a diagnosis of dementia was associated with nursing- rather
than residential-home admission. Of 47 residents who scored 9 or less on th
e Mini-Mental State Examination (indicating severe cognitive impairment), 8
5% had no diagnosis of dementia, neurological disorder or other psychiatric
Discussion: the high proportion of new admissions of subjects with low depe
ndency needs raises questions about the effective targeting of resources an
d about management of the boundary between home-based and institutional car
e. The existence of an important group of self-funded, low-dependency new a
dmissions to nursing homes suggests a need to provide better assessment and
placement services for those who are financially independent of local auth
orities. Many new admissions had conditions which might benefit from rehabi
litation but there were almost no therapy staff in the studied homes. In so
me cases where severe cognitive impairment was evident, there was no eviden
ce that the result of any formal pre-admission psychiatric evaluation had b
een communicated to nursing or care staff.