PURPOSE: To describe clinical and pathologic features of an iridociliary la
crimal gland choristoma in which the diagnosis was made clinically and conf
irmed histopathologically.
METHODS: Case report with clinical, ultrasound biomicrosopic, and histopath
ologic observations.
RESULTS: We examined a 12-month-old male for a large iris mass that had bee
n present since birth. We suspected it to be a lacrimal gland choristoma ba
sed on characteristic: clinical: features. The lesion was removed by iridoc
yclectomy; and the diagnosis of lacrimal gland choristoma was confirmed.
CONCLUSION: Intraocular lacrimal gland choristoma has unique clinical featu
res that should suggest the diagnosis. (C) 2000 by Elsevier Science Inc. Al
l rights reserved.