The paper describes a new model of exploiting parallelism in testing o
f VLSI circuits. A circuit at the register transfer level is denoted a
s an RTL circuit. The model utilizes the concept of TACG (Test Applica
tion Conflict Graph). For the testing process the resource utilization
model is defined and used for the TACG construction. Different confli
cts that must be taken into account during an RTL circuit test schedul
ing are presented. The problem of concurrent test application is trans
formed to the one of TACG coloring and covering its nodes. Thus, the g
raph theory algorithms call be utilized for an RT level test schedulin
g. The way how to use a TACG for an RTL circuit modification is also p
resented. The paper offers a methodology that call he utilized during
VLSI circuit design process, the final goal of which is to reduce the
overall test application time of an RTL circuit.