Background, Papular mucinosis is an uncommon condition sometimes associated
with myopathy as in our case.
Case report. A 54-year-old woman presented several disseminated pruriginous
papules that spread progressively. Histopathology of a skin biopsy showed
mucine deposits and fibroblasts in the derma. Serum monoclonal lambda IgG w
as evidenced. The patient complained of weakness of the proximal muscles an
d dysphagia. Serum creatine phosphokinase was moderately elevated and the e
lectromyography showed a typical myogenic pattern. Histopathology of a musc
le biopsy disclosed a polymyositis aspect without mucine deposits. The pati
ent was given prednisone. The skin lesions regressed totally with no modifi
cation of the muscle deficit.
Discussion. Myopathy associated with papulous mucinosis generally presents
as a proximal deficit with dysphagia. Myalgia and amyotrophy are exceptiona
l. Moderate serum myolysis is often evidenced. The electromyogram shows a m
yogenic pattern. The pathophysiology of this condition remains unclear, but
the association with papulous mucinosis does not appear to be fortuitous d
ue to its frequency. No standard treatment has been established. General co
rticosteroid therapy is generally effective and methotrexate, melphalan, is
otretinoine and D-penicillamine have given good results in a few cases.