The sequence of the gene iaaL of Pseudomonas savastanoi EW2009 was used to
design primers for PCR amplification. The iaaL-derived primers directed the
amplification of a 454-bp fragment from genomic DNA isolated from 70 strai
ns of P. savastanoi, whereas genomic DNA from 93 non-P. savastanoi isolates
did not yield this amplified product. A previous bacterial enrichment in t
he semiselective liquid medium PVF-1 improved the PCR sensitivity level, al
lowing detection of 10 to 100 CFU/ml of plant extract. P. savastanoi was de
tected by the developed enrichment-PCR method in knots from different varie
ties of inoculated and naturally infected olive trees. Moreover, P. savasta
noi was detected in symptomless stem tissues from naturally infected olive
plants. This enrichment-PCR method is more sensitive and less cumbersome th
an the conventional isolation methods for detection of P. savastanoi.