Convergent flow tracer tests constitute a convenient way of characteri
zing hydraulic parameters in an aquifer. Interpretation of tracer brea
kthrough curves from convergent flow tests normally is made under the
assumption of radial symmetry. Nevertheless, these curves may display
directional dependence; that is when tracers are injected at several p
oints located at the same distance, both arrival times and estimated d
ispersivities may be significantly different. This result is why some
authors attribute a tensorial nature to porosity or, equivalently, tal
k about directional porosity when trying to explain the variations in
computed porosity depending on the relative orientation of pumping and
injection wells. Our main ponit is that this directional effect is no
thing but an artifact of an inappropriate selection of a conceptual mo
del, where anisotropy (local of statistical) in hydraulic conductivity
is not properly characterized. To illustrate this point, we first con
sider the situation of a simple homogeneous and anisotropic model of t
he medium. We prove analytically that this model leads to arrival time
being proportional to the square root of directional hydraulic conduc
tivity. Using a stochastic approach, we determine the same directional
behavior of arrival time for a locally isotropic hydraulic conductivi
ty field with statistical anisotropy caused by an anisotropic correlat
ion structure. A statistical anisotropic covariance model for hydrauli
c conductivity is consistent with field evidence.