This review deals with the physical and chemical properties of nitric oxide
as well as with the mechanisms and enzymes synthesizing this compound in a
nimals including humans. The cytotoxic, vasodilatory, neuromediatory, and o
ther properties of NO are analyzed. Polyfunctionality of NO in the norm and
in pathologies of different genesis is shown. It is suggested that the ana
lysis of the mechanisms of cyclic conversion of nitric oxide and the elucid
ation of the role of all NO metabolism products in living organisms would a
llow us to approach a more profound understanding of the NO problem in biol
ogy and medicine. It is reasonable to think the knowledge obtained in the c
ourse of the studies will permit an elaboration of the strategy and tactics
of medical treatment of many diseases occurring on the background of distu
rbance in the mechanisms of formation and utilization of this compound.