In recent years evidence has accumulated that ECG signals are of a nonlinea
r nature. It has been recognized that strictly periodic cardiac rhythms are
not accompanied by healthy conditions but, on the contrary, by pathologica
l states. Therefore, the application of methods from nonlinear system theor
y for the analysis of ECG signals has gained increasing interest. Crucial f
or the application of nonlinear methods is the reconstruction (embedding) o
f the time series in a phase space with appropriate dimension. In this stud
y continuous ECG signals of 12 healthy subjects recorded during different s
leep stages were analysed. Proper embedding dimension was determined by app
lication of two techniques - the false nearest neighbours method and the sa
turation of the correlation dimension. Results for the ECG signals were com
pared with findings for simulated data (quasiperiodic dynamics, Lorenz data
, white noise) and for phase randomized surrogates. Findings obtained with
the two approaches suggest that embedding dimensions from 6 to 8 may be reg
arded as suitable for the topologically proper reconstruction of ECG signal