Listeriosis is a rare but very serious foodborne disease. The non-contamina
tion of food products is the best prevention of listeriosis. In spite of no
table efforts to improve the microbiologic quality of food products through
surveillance and control of food contaminations, the prevention has still
to be based upon the information of consumers. This information can take di
fferent forms. When a food product is found to be contaminated,vith Listeri
a monocytogenes, if the withdrawal of this product does not occur as early
as to prevent its commercialisation, a consumers alert is necessary to avoi
d any subsequent human case and to allow a rapid medical care of exposed pe
rsons in case of occurrence of symptoms of the disease A specific informati
on from health professionals to persons with risk factors of contracting li
steriosis is a point of debate. Immunocompromised persons, for instance do
not represent an easily defined group. On the other hand, pregnant women th
at are specially at risk of developing listeriosis, with potentially life t
hreatening consequencies for their foetus, represent a well identified popu
lation. They are medically monitored, and because they feel concerned, most
of them accept, during their pregnancy, to follow some simple rules that,
sometimes, change their habits. At present, information is given to pregnan
t women by different ways: documents, leaflets, posters. The health authori
ties have decided to reinforce this information. They are also working on a
special advisory meeting, specially target ed at foodborne diseases (inclu
ding listeriosis), that could take place, for pregnant women, during the fi
rst months of their pregnancy.