The first Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) was launched aboard the N
OAA-15 satellite on 13 May 1998. The AMSU is well suited for the observatio
n of tropical cyclones because its measurements are not significantly affec
ted by the ice clouds that cover tropical storms. In this paper, the follow
ing are presented: 1) upper-tropospheric thermal anomalies in tropical cycl
ones retrieved from AMSU data, 2) the correlation of maximum temperature an
omalies with maximum wind speed and central pressure, 3) winds calculated f
rom the temperature anomaly field, 4) comparison of AMSU data with GOES and
AVHRR imagery, and 5) tropical cyclone rainfall potential. The AMSU data a
ppear to offer substantial opportunities for improvement in tropical cyclon
e analysis and forecasting.