Dd. Turner et al., Continuous water vapor profiles from operational ground-based active and passive remote sensors, B AM METEOR, 81(6), 2000, pp. 1301-1317
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program's Southern Great Plains Cloud
and Radiation Testbed site central facility near Lament, Oklahoma, offers
unique operational water vapor profiling capabilities, including active and
passive remote sensors as well as traditional in situ radiosonde measureme
nts. Remote sensing technologies include an automated Raman lidar and an au
tomated Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), which are able
to retrieve water vapor profiles operationally through the lower tropospher
e throughout the diurnal cycle. Comparisons of these two water vapor remote
sensing methods to each other and to radiosondes over an 8-month period ar
e presented and discussed, highlighting the accuracy and limitations of eac
h method. Additionally, the AERI is able to retrieve profiles of temperatur
e while the Raman lidar is able to retrieve aerosol extinction profiles ope
rationally. These data, coupled with hourly wind profiles from a 915-MHz wi
nd profiler, provide complete specification of the state of the atmosphere
in noncloudy skies. Several case studies illustrate the utility of these hi
gh temporal resolution measurements in the characterization of mesoscale fe
atures within a 3-day time period in which passage of a dryline, warm air a
dvection, and cold front occurred.