The paper extends on the traditional methodology used to quantify DNA evide
nce in paternity or identification cases. By extending we imply that there
ale more than two alternatives to choose between. In a standard paternity c
ase the two competing explanations H-1: "John Doe is the father of the chil
d" and H-2: "A random man is the father of the child", are typically consid
ered. A paternity index of 100 000 implies that the data is 100 000 more li
kely assuming hypothesis H-1 rather than H-2. If H-2 is replaced by "A brot
her of John Doe is the father", the LR may change dramatically. The main to
pic of this paper is to determine the most probable pedigree given a certai
n set of data including DNA profiles. In the previous example this correspo
nds to determining the most likely relation between John Doe and the child.
Based on DNA obtained from victims of a fire, bodies found in an ancient g
rave or from individuals seeking to confirm their anticipated family relati
ons, we would like to determine the most probable pedigree. The approach we
present provides the possibility to combine non-DNA evidence, say age of i
ndividuals, and DNA profiles. The program familias, obtainable as shareware
from, delivers the probabilities for the various
family constellations. More precisely, the information (if any) prior to D
NA is combined with the DNA-profiles in a Bayesian manner to deliver the po
sterior probabilities. We exemplify using the well published Romanov data w
here the accepted solution emerges among 4536 possibilities considered. Var
ious other applications based on forensic case work are discussed. In addit
ion we have simulated data to resemble an incest case. Since the true famil
y relation is known in this case, we may evaluate the method. (C) 2000 Else
vier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.