Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have established their importance in situ
ations where the input-output relationship of the system under investigatio
n is either not explicit or is too complicated to be expressed by mathemati
cal expressions. In this study, the potential of ANN models to predict deve
lopment of soil salinity is explored. Experimental data were collected from
a field lysimeter study on the build-up of salts under subirrigation with
brackish water. Different architectures of ANN models with varying numbers
of processing elements and hidden layers were explored. Also, different dat
a preprocessing techniques were employed to account for the usual variabili
ty in experimental data and for unbiased selection of data for ANN model de
velopment. Statistical parameters, such as correlation coefficients, arithm
etic mean, average absolute deviation, and standard deviation values illust
rate the applicability of ANN models to predict soil profile salinity.