Process modeling has gained prominence in the information systems modeling
area due to its focus on business processes and its usefulness in such busi
ness improvement methodologies as Total Quality Management, Business Proces
s Reengineering, and Workflow Management. However, process modeling techniq
ues are not without their criticisms [13]. This paper proposes and uses the
Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) representation model to analyze the five views - pr
ocess, data, function, organization and output - provided in the Architectu
re of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) popularized by Scheer [39, 40,
41]. The BWW representation model attempts to provide a theoretical base on
which to evaluate and thus contribute to the improvement of information sy
stems modeling techniques. The analysis conducted in this paper prompts som
e propositions. It confirms that the process view alone is not sufficient t
o model all the real-world constructs required. Some other symbols or views
are needed to overcome these deficiencies. However, even when considering
all five views in combination, problems may arise in representing all poten
tially required business rules, specifying the scope and boundaries of the
system under consideration, and employing a "top-down" approach to analysis
and design. Further work from this study will involve the operationalizati
on of these propositions and their empirical testing in the field. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.