Losses of CO, H2O, and CH4 during coalification are modeled by calculating
possible combinations of the quantities of these Volatiles that must be rel
eased to account for the changes in the atomic H/C and O/C ratios that occu
r during the transition from the beginning to the end of each of the follow
ing coal ranks: high-Volatile bituminous; (combined) medium- and low-volati
le bituminous; semi-anthracite; and anthracite. Lower coal ranks were not m
odeled because plots of atomic H/C and O/C vs. % volatile matter (dry, mine
ral matter free) reveal a lack of equilibration of coal with more than 31%
Volatile matter (dmmf). The model uses atomic H/C and O/C ratios, and % vol
atile matter (dmmf) values calculated for 2693 coal samples contained in th
e US Geological Survey Coal Quality Database. The greatest losses of volati
les occur during the transition from the beginning to the end of the high-v
olatile bituminous rank. During this transition some CO must be lost. Durin
g the transition from the beginning to the end of each of the higher ranks
some CH4 must be lost. The increase in the quantity of CH4 evolved may help
to explain the presence of catagenic methane found at depth. (C) 2000 Else
vier Science B.V. All rights reserved.