In this paper we consider five types of parallel preconditioners for solvin
g large sparse nonsymmetric linear systems on the CRAY-T3E. They are ILU(0)
in the wavefront ordering, ILU(0) in the multi-coloring ordering, SSOR in
the wavefront ordering, the SPAI(SParse Approximate Inverse) preconditioner
, and finally Multi-color Block SOR preconditioner. The ILU(0) is known to
be robust and the wavefront ordering naturally exploits the parallelism but
has a limited speedup due to the nonuniform lengths of the wavefronts. Mul
ti-coloring is an efficient way of introducing the parallelism of order(N),
where N is the order of the matrix but the convergence rate often deterior
ates. The SPAI type preconditioner is inherently parallel and is gaining po
pularity. Finally, for the 5-point Laplacian matrix SOR method is known to
have a nondeteriorating rate of convergence when the multi-coloring order i
s adopted. Also, Block SOR is expected to incur less communication overhead
s in a message-passing machine. Hence, Multi-Color Block SOR method is expe
cted to have a good performance. Experiments were conducted for the Finite
Difference discretizations of two problems with various meshsizes varying u
p to 1024 x 1024. MPI library was used for interprocess communications. The
results show that ILU(0) in the multi-coloring ordering gives the best per