Prevotella bivia is a gram-negative anaerobic bacteria traditionally classi
fied in the genus Bacteroides, and usually reported in obstetric and gyneco
logic infections. To date, there has been only one description of infectiou
s arthritis secondary to this germ. We report the first case of septic arth
ritis due to Prevotella bivia in a patient with severe, long-lasting rheuma
toid arthritis (RA) treated with low doses of corticosteroids. RA is a well
-known predisposing factor to septic arthritis, whose causes are multifacto
rial (general immunosuppression induced by the disease and its therapy, pre
sence of prosthetic joints, etc.). However, infectious arthritis due to ana
erobic bacteria is rarely observed. In general, clinical presentation varie
s widely: insidious onset, apyrexia, and lack of inflammatory signs or syst
emic disturbance are frequent features. Joint infection is generally second
ary to hematogenous spread, the Bacteroides fragilis group being the most c
ommonly isolated pathogens. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment, with drai
nage and debridement of the affected joint and specific antimicrobial treat
ment with Metronidazole are essential for a successful outcome. (C) 2000 Ed
itions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.