Among two groups of wild and reared zebrafishes (zf) Danio rerio, all meris
tic characters considered were variable except the numbers of rays and pter
ygophores of the dorsal fin and the principal caudal fin rays, which tended
to be canalized. Wild and reared individuals differed in the number of int
ervertebrae and anal pterygophores, and the dorsal and anal fin insertion.
There were some skeletal anomalies of vertebrae and fins, particularly the
caudal fin. Cephalic and Weber-apparatus anomalies were rare. Types and fre
quencies of anomalies were quite similar in the two zf groups, but differen
ces emerged for several less frequent anomalies. Such differences and the p
henotypic variability of D. rerio make this species a perfect teleost model
for investigating the influence of experimental or unfavourable environmen
tal conditions on skeletal development of both domesticated and wild fish.
(C) 2000 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.