An advanced mathematical model has been developed to evaluate transport pro
cesses and chemical reactions during the initiation stage of device corrosi
on. The model considers the time evolution of the solution chemistry and el
ectrochemistry within crevices, and uses the method of finite elements to s
olve the complex set of mass-conservation equations describing the system.
In order to produce a useful estimate of the time of the incubation period,
the concept of CCS (critical crevice solution), which delineates the trans
ition between the passive and active states, has been introduced. The most
important factors in crevice corrosion are the crevice gap and the crevice
depth, especially the ratio of depth/width, on which the initiation of crev
ice corrosion reacts most sensitively. The potential drop inside the crevic
e consists of two components, the chemical potential drop and the physical
potential drop, and the ratio of these components seems to be related to th
e crevice geometry. The results of numerical simulation of 316L (Fe-Cr-Ni-M
o alloy) show that the incubation time of the crevice corrosion is strongly
dependent on the depth/width ratio of the crevice geometry, (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science S.A. All rights reserved.