Tantalum zinc oxide (TZO) with the chemical formula Ta2Zn3O8 can be generat
ed from the reaction of 3 mol ZnO and 1 mol Ta2O5 at elevated temperatures.
This phase has been shown to exhibit blue cathodoluminescence at low elect
ron beam voltages. It has also been realized in thin film form on silicon s
ubstrate, making TZO an important material for monolithic field emission di
splay devices. The structure type of TZO has been investigated using powder
x-ray diffraction techniques. The unit cell of this phase has been determi
ned and found to be monoclinic. These results allow for indexing of the pow
der pattern first reported by Kasper in 1967 and correct for a discrepancy
in the single-crystal structure lattice constants reported by Waburg and Mu
ller-Buschbaum in 1984.