The presence of defects in thin-film dielectrics often leads to dielectric
relaxation as a function of frequency, in which the dielectric constant dec
reases and the loss tangent increases with increasing frequency. Dielectric
relaxation results in charge storage capacity reduction under dynamic rand
om access memory operating conditions. In this work, the dielectric relaxat
ion behaviour of de reactive sputtered Ta2O5 thin film was investigated. Us
ing dielectric dispersion measurements as a function of frequency (100 Hz l
ess than or equal to f less than or equal to 10 MHz) and temperature (27 de
grees C less than or equal to T less than or equal to 150 degrees C), we de
termined the dielectric relaxation and defect quantity of the films and pro
pose an equivalent circuit on the basis of complex capacitance, admittance
and impedance spectral studies.